The communication with our servers is encrypted and we don’t have any way to connect between you and your online activity. Privacy is one of our core values and we’ve built Stands from the ground up with that in mind. If you have any issues please hit the feedback button in the app or email In one sentence: We don’t track you and we prevent others from tracking you! *Please note - we appreciate any and all feedback. + Control your experience: You can allow certain types of ads or whitelist the websites you wish to support. + More blocking options: you can use Fair AdBlocker to block Facebook ads, Webmail ads, Search ads, and more. + Block the most annoying ads, including: autoplay video ads, youtube ads, expanding ads, interstitial page ads, overlay ads. With our AdBlocker extension you can block annoying ads, pop-ups and malware and protect your device from any security threats and protect your privacy from online tracking. + Our AdBlocker extension enables you to block many types of ads - you have full control. + The absolute BEST adware and popup protection on the web. Block annoying ads, popups, malware and tracking (even on Facebook & Youtube), browse faster, and protect your privacy.